we are now members of this exclusive network: always ahead to be able to grant the best services to our…
BIMCO is the largest of the international shipping associations representing shipowners; its membership controls around 65 percent of the world’s…
Ecologicamente … parlando!
ecco le nuove bottiglie “ecologiche”, in TRITAN …! E’ arrivato il Tritan, il materiale ecologico per le bottiglie di plastica…
Photo contest
we are participating to a PHOTO CONTEST. You can vote for us after reading the whole story and viewing the…
Problem solving
il pezzo da trasportare è enorme: non è tanto una questione di peso (anche se siamo a 70 tonnellate) quanto…
Italy – Black and Caspian Sea
nuovo servizio in partenza da Chioggia (con possibilità di scalare Marghera e/o Ravenna) per le principali destinazioni del Mar Nero…
Chartering development
we are more and more active on the “chartering” of vessels. We have obtained the full membership with BIMCO For…
Italy … to Russia
Last week, Fortune International Transport (member of PCN in Italy) transported a 60tn rotor The rotor was moved by road…
News from the Project Cargo world
Italian members, Fortune International Transport have recently moved compressors to Abu Dhabi for the client of French members, France Cargo…
Faster is better
Regular traffic of Italian “new” trucks sent to Turkey being handled by PCN members in Italy (FORTUNE) as well as…
In vacanza? Ma quando mai …!
noi ci siamo sempre (anche se i porti … sono deserti)! Chiamateci con fiducia. D’altronde, il nostro motto è: “ALL…
CMX & Fortune Handle Shipment of Tube Manufacturing Mill
29th June 2017 CMX Global Logistics have recently handled a project shipment of a tube manufacturing mill with their PCN…