Rates quoted are always on PREPAID basis only (meaning that freight has to be paid to us, before releasing of original MB/L: we can surely release the FORTUNE HB/L to the shipper without any problem, clausing same FREIGHT COLLECT, but D/O will be issued only after whole freight amount has been transferred to us)

Terms of payment are intended against release of shipping docs (for any EXPORT shpt) or before arrival of the vessel at Italy (for any IMPORT shpt)

All terms are as stated in the bill of lading issued.

we are never arranging insurance unless requested and paid for.

When the insurance is covered by the sender or the consignee, the sender binds himself to obtain that any recourse action of the insurer tow ards the Forw arder must be ex cluded from the insurance conditions (art. 31 of the Italian Freight Forwarders terms)

while entrusting the shipment to us you acknowledge the validity of all the terms enlisted here

any dispute will be subject to the Italian Freight Forwarders terms as stated below for download

Lien and retention
"Fortune has the right of lien and retention on goods and values under its detention, exercised directly or trough third parties, for all credits, overdue or expiring, arising from its activities, also if the credit pertains to an activity other than (or preceding to) that one in virtue of which Fortune holds on the goods or the value. The lien and the retention can be exercised, at Fortune option, against the principal, shipper, consignee, owner of goods and/or values and their agents"